Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

A Testimony by Nathan Okasida

God is Great and it is with gratitude that I give Him praise. A Faithful God to all His children; and
Faithful to keep His promises. He grants favor, not just any favor but His overwhelming favor to His
faithful children.
It all began in early February when I asked for God’s grace and favor as I was going for an interview. On
that day I asked God for His favor, and reminded Him of His faithfulness to keep His promises, and in my
heart I believed that I was heard; for I was talking to my Father. On that day the interview went all
smooth and we were to wait for their call back. We were more than 100 people. A week later I got back
a message. Praise God; from over the 150 people that were interviewed, only 25 came on that day and I
was among them. That day I talked to God and said; thank You, for if it were not for Him that would not
have been possible.
We had a training program for the first week and at the end of it, there was certification whereby the
client decides who has a pass, retrain, or a fail. The previous day and night before the training, I was so
nervous and worried whether I was ready enough. I ran to God and prayed saying: “Dear God, You know
the needs of my heart; You know the path You have set for me. So far the whole job is due to your grace
and favor. As I receive it, I believe it is all from You and so I ask You to lead me through this certification.
I ask for Your favor, Your unending favor. Amen”
On the day of certification I was literary shaking. I was so anxious but I gave it a go, and went on and had
my turn. I went over the call and was done. Later that day, I prayed and said to God, I have done my
part; the rest is Yours.
When the results were back, we were told that there was only one pass; the rest were re-takes. I was so
worried because I thought that I was in the re-take group. Then the results were announced; the pass
was mine. I couldn’t believe it; I had to ask for a confirmation. I felt like it was all a lie; something I could
not believe .The first group had 13 people I was the 6th person to do the test. I thought that those who
did the test before me were better than me. But at that moment I was the only person with a pass; and
in that moment of shock and disbelieve, I remembered Pastor Davies’ words, “God is Faithful. He will
show you favor and lift you up in times that seem impossible”. Collins Majale told me, blessed are the
works of my hands; God loves me. Another Pastor said that he was sent to me, and told me that I will
never be the same. God has not forgotten His promises.

I believe and I know that this is just the first step in this journey. God will lift me high and will never let
me down.

I wish I could write more; this is just a simplified version of this story. I feel like shouting and jumping
every time I remember all this… I can say boldly and surely that I have seen God’s favor and hand. I want
to see more of Him in my life. I want to see His face and know Him more.