Event details
- Sunday | February 13, 2022
- 2:00 pm
- Victory Faith Church in the Garden
What is your vision concerning finances? Without vision, the people perish and if you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there.
The Family Mountain has prepared a Singles Valentine Lunch to help answer the big money question. We will have a panel of experts to help us navigate this crucial topic and handle the following questions:
- - How should I save and which investment vehicles are available to help me get to my destination?
- - How do I avoid financial pitfalls?
- - What about borrowing?
Book the date! 13th February 2022 from 2pm, all roads lead to the VFC sanctuary for a time of fun and learning. Come ready to learn and invest while it is still day for the night comes when no one can work. The investment is only KShs 800 per person.
Register by filling the form below.
M-Pesa Paybill No: 751843
Account: Singles
Amount: 800