Event details
- Monday | April 4, 2022 to Wednesday | April 6, 2022
- 10:00 am
- Online
- 0724 455 455
It is exciting, fun and full of the powerful life changing Word of God, and it’s coming straight to your home! Victory Kids Teachers present Vacation Bible Study 2022.
This will be a virtual event running from 4th to 6th April between 10.00am to 11.30am for the three days.
Our Theme is The Love of God. 1 John 4:9 And God showed His love for us by sending His only Son into the world, so that we might have life through Him.
The event is open to ages 4yrs to 13yrs and will be streamed across our online platforms.
Join us live on any of the following platforms: Our Website, the Victory Faith Church Facebook page, the Victory Faith Church YouTube Channel, the Victory Kids Facebook Page and the Victory Kids YouTube Channel.
Parents, encourage your children to invite their friends, neighbors and relatives into your homes so they can participate together in this evangelistic VBS.
For any queries, contact the church office on 0724 455455
This event is free!