Event details
- Monday | August 21, 2023 to Wednesday | August 23, 2023
- 10:00 am
- 0724 455 455
- FreeRegistration
It is exciting, fun and full of the powerful life changing word of God, and it’s happening right here at Victory Faith Church in the Garden! The Pastors, TRTG and Victory Kids Teachers present Vacation Bible School August 2023!
This event will run from 21st to 23rd August, starting at 10.00am to 12.30pm for the three days.
Our VBS theme is titled ‘JESUS AND ME’ and the key scripture is John 17:23 NLT I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
We have lined up exciting bible-based activities to engage all children ages 4yrs to 13yrs.
Parents, encourage your children to begin inviting their friends, neighbours and relatives to come and ignite their passion for knowing, serving and growing in Christ. This event is free!
Dear Parents/Guardians:
At Victory Faith Church, nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children. That’s why we’ve chosen KidCheck as our children’s check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience and to allow us to partner with you to keep your children safe during the VBS and beyond.
We will go live with KidCheck on Monday, 21st August 2023. It is important you create your account prior to this date. If you haven’t already created your free account, please do so by going to go.kidcheck.com, selecting “Create Your KidCheck Account,” and following the on-screen prompts. Alternatively, you can download the KidCheck Mobile Check-In app from the App Store or Google Play Store to create, manage, and update your account right on your phone (does not complete check-in). Please do not enable Emergency Text Messaging for now as it does not currently work in Kenya.
You can create your account from the comfort of home; it’s simple and will only take a few minutes. Creating your account prior to the above date helps us have a smooth transition and helps your first check-in go more quickly so you can get on your way. For more setup instructions, you can view the Setup Instruction Document or watch the Parent Introduction Video.
Once you’ve created your account, simply use your 10-digit phone number to check-in with us or anywhere you see the KidCheck logo.
Thank you for your participation.