Since 2001, Our Home – a ministry of LFI/VFC – has been taking care of orphans and vulnerable children through Christ’s love as part of the call of the church in ‘Giving Life‘.

Our Home currently caters for 53 children in providing the most essential necessities: safety, medical care, spiritual training and education. Without the care they receive from Our Home, these children would have nothing and would not know the love of God. We believe in going beyond just providing the necessities. We want our children to thrive in spirit, soul, and body, learning what it is to live an abundant life.

Taking care of the needy is a call for the entire Body of Christ – “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 (KJV). Every member of the Body, therefore, is to ask the Lord and obey in fulfilling his part of this call.

We spend an average of KShs.28,000 per child in a month for the current 53 children. This includes education, rent, utilities, food, clothing, medical expenses and security.

We want to therefore present to you an opportunity to pray and listen in your heart to partner with us in ‘Fathering’ the Nations by sowing your precious seed towards the above expenses.

You did it to me.
Matthew 25:40

To register as a partner, click the image below to be directed to the registration form.

For a one time gift, use any of the following options to give.

Living Faith International M-PESA Paybill Details

PAYBILL NO: 751843


Bank Transfer

Bank: NCBA

Account Name: Victory Faith Church Account Number: 6612090017

To give by PayPal, Debit or Credit Card click on the image below

Give by Cheque

Alternatively, Address Cheques to “LFI/VFIC” and drop off at our Westlands Church Office

Friends of Our Home

To register as a partner, click the image below to be directed to the registration form.