I asked the Lord how to speak this testimony and He told me to write it as that way l will see clearly my own deliverance and l will never accept the devils lie that my healing has not happened.
The Lord has told me “document it so that you never forget it”
All l know Church is l had been having migraines since l was 11 years old meaning over 20 years dealing with the this issue.
As a child my parents tried all that they could but nothing worked,it was on and off during the entire period.I had reached a place like that leper telling the Lord , “ If you are willing Lord ,heal me”
Church it affected my life so much. I dealt so much with doctors, medications, injections and self medication.
I went through school, campus by the grace of God.
My Gynecologist calls my children Miracle babies, because during all the pregnancies I was heavily on painkillers. My husband would always touch my womb and speak in tongues and in understanding,that there will be a supernatural protection over my children,that they wouldn’t be affected by the medicines that i was consuming.I am grateful Church all our children are well and the Lord has honored that in our lives.
It reached a point l didn’t know what to pray, but l always remembered Pastor Davies’s words”pray in the spirit” and the spirit intercedes on our behalf to the Father.l would literally tell the Holy Spirit, l am weary in body and spirit and l need you to just take over and be the helper that Jesus said you would be to me.So l would just constantly pray in tongues.
I put together Healing Bible verses and l carried them everywhere,l would read them anywhere l am,believing and reading aloud the word to my body.My husband and I,Speaking life always.
Following Pastor Davies’s counsel,we started taking Holy communion more frequently in the house, we started doing that right away consistently with revelation of what it meant for me.That Jesus bore it all and l should be walking in freedom.That is when the headaches became worse. l would have to go for an injection in the morning before going to work and l would take more pain killers during the day. Church, I would consume more than 10 strong painkillers in a day. Not the likes of Panadol… Serious ones!
But we continued with the Holy communion and come January we started the Fast,l was in faith to participate in the fast and believed God to Start the year strong. All the other years during the Fast l would get an attack. On the1st week of the fast on Thursday l noticed in the evening l had not taken any painkiller.l shook my head it was not aching.The second week again i noticed the same thing, NO painkillers for me at all.During my normal visit to the neurologist who was seeing me for the migraines ,I told him l have had a 2 weeks free of pain killers,He just said whatever you are doing Susan can you please continue with it,it seems that it works better than anything l have ever given you.
One thing l know Church until I stopped having it as head knowledge that God is able to heal me, I also had to disassociate my self from that bondage of migraine headaches, which I had accepted as part of me, and started believing that the power that raised Jesus from dead gives life to my body then migraine and any other disease has no permission to be in my body, as he is so am l .Disease free.
I’m very grateful to God, Pastor Davies, and my husband, for standing with me with the true faith to be where I am today. Jesus is truly my healer. Amen and Glory to His Name.