Our Director
Ruth Muita
Essential Services Offered
We educate our children in a variety of subjects so we can identify their God-given gifts. Our children have access to church activities, physical education, reading, tutoring, and educational trips through Our Home.
About Us
God’s love gives life purpose and meaning. Children born into difficult circumstances in Kenya have no way of knowing there is more to life than suffering because they are sadly unaware that God has a plan for their lives. Unfortunately, if they do not receive the help they need, these children’s destinies may be lost to poverty and isolation.
Since 2002, Our Home has been serving vulnerable children and orphans by providing security and education through Christ’s love. We receive orphans and other vulnerable children to raise as our own as part of the Victory Faith Church community in Nairobi.
Our Home’s mission is to help orphaned and vulnerable children overcome their very difficult, challenging beginnings. We strive to give them every opportunity to move forward spiritually, emotionally, and in their general well-being. One of our larger goals is to educate them at the highest level of their ability.
Without the care they receive from Our Home, these children would have nothing and would not know the love of God. We believe in going beyond just providing the basic necessities. We want our children to thrive in body, soul, and spirit, learning what it is to live happily.